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Pruppets of the Month: Daisy & Tom’s Queen



Ok, today’s puppet is a sweet old girl named Daisy, and I’m going to ruin everyone’s day with her story.

This story comes from Heather, and she wrote to us telling us about her prup Daisy. In 2008, Heather and her husband lived in a college town, and one day, their friend finds this big beautiful dog wandering around. She’s maybe a lab mix (but big!) and maybe even some Great Dane in her. 

We’ve talked about how people get dogs in college, and Ashley obvs this was the best decision you ever made. Evidently, some people are monsters, and it was a thing in this area that after the college let out for the summer, you would find pets wandering around campus and town. This is because kids had gotten them while in school, couldn’t take them home to their parents for the summer, and would just leave them. Some made it to rescues or shelters, but a lot are just left abandoned. Ok…and this isn’t even the sad part.

A couple of weeks later, Heather gets a call from her husband, and he says that they need to talk, can she come by his shop? She is like, ok, kind of a scary call. And when she walks in, here is this big black dog. She immediately sits on the ground and says, “Here, girl!” and the dog ran right up to her and started licking her. Heather was like, who’s dog is this, and that’s when she realized it was HERS! Once they got her home and were trying to name her, both Heather and her husband said DAISY at the exact same time, and that was that.

A couple of years later, Heather and her family had to move and couldn’t take their pets, which was now 2 dogs and 2 cats. They were able to leave Daisy and her kitty momma Skittles at a friend’s so they could stay together. They were eventually able to have pets in their new home, but Heather knew she couldn’t just take her pets back. Daisy and Skittles had a new family now (Heather wants to point out that they did immediately get a dog though and named her Sasha because of course they did. But this is Daisy’s story, not Sasha’s.)

Fast forward to 2015. Heather was scrolling through Facebook when she noticed that the friend who had Daisy and Skittles was going to live life on the road, which sounds like a whole different story, and within 20 minutes of contacting them, Heather had Daisy and Skittles in her car! Heather was on her way home when she called her husband to say when she got there she would need some help unloading stuff from her car. He came out to see his big pruppet Daisy, and he burst into tears!!!

Last year, their family moved into a 3rd floor apartment. Remember, Daisy was fully grown when they found her 10 years ago. They knew that this wouldn’t be good for her, and Heather’s family was in the position to buy their first home. They specifically looked for a house with no steps for Daisy, and a yard was a rule, not an exception. They just closed on their first house in May, and Daisy finally had the yard of her dreams.

Heather believes that was all Daisy was waiting for and on July 10th, 2019, Daisy passed away at her beautiful new home and is buried, surrounded by daisies, on a hill in her perfect yard.

Tom’s Queen

Tom's Queen

*Update: Tom’s Queen has been adopted!!*

Tom’s Queen is at a rescue that we actually got one of my dogs, Niles from. She’s about 2 and a half years old and super cute. They think she’s a Shar-Pei mix and has the cutest ears I’ve ever seen, honestly. and her tail is weirdly short. She came from a kill shelter in Arkansas, but was rescued by Homeward Bound Animal Welfare Group here in northern Indiana, and is waiting on her forever home! She’s great with other dogs and humans. Tom’s Queen seems like a great pruppet that I can’t add to my family right now, but you should consider adding to yours!