Episode Summary
In 2013 a 17-year-old boy’s body was found rolled up in a high school gym mat. Local law enforcement was quick to rule it an accident and move on but the family is sure this is a case of murder being covered up.
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Episode Source Material
- Third Autopsy shows Kendrick Johnson Suffered blunt Force Trauma
- Sudden Deaths from Positional Asphyxia
- Positional Asphyxia: Death due to Unusual Head-Down Position in a Narrow Space
- Kendrick’s Final Walk
- Second Autopsy Report
- Kendrick Johnson Death Scene Video
- Public documents
- Kendrick Johnson lawsuit: Feds want attorneys to stop collecting evidence
- Parent’s of Georgia teen found dead in gym mate rally for inquiry
- National civil right attorney no longer involved in Kenrick Johnson case
- Kendrick Johnson family hold rally after filing complaint about missing organs
- No wrong doing detected in Kendrick Johnson funeral home probe
- Body of Kendrick Johnson being exhumed
- Kendrick Johnson footage released; expert find it ‘highly suspicious’
- KJ family drops $100 million wrongful death suit
- Local, federal investigations into gym mat death continue