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Pruppets of the Month: Apollo & Kadin


Apollo sitting in the car with his tongue out

Apollo’s story as told by his person, Paige:

Of course, we all think our pup is the best, but I have some pretty good reasons why mine is!

Apollo is a 4-5-year-old male Husky who is about to celebrate his one year “gotcha day” with me and my boyfriend. We already had one Husky, Titus, when Apollo came to live with us, and they’ve been inseparable ever since.

On lunch break one day, I was scrolling through Facebook when I came across a video posted by the Powell County Animal Shelter here in Kentucky. And there, limping down the hallway between the kennels was the saddest, dirtiest pup I’d ever seen. In summation, the post stated that the shelter was full and struggling to adopt out puppies….that it was a hard decision to make, but did anyone think that there was a *chance* someone would want to adopt an adult male dog with a very obvious leg injury. He didn’t even have a kennel of his own. That said enough to me. I shared the post to my boyfriend with the typical “Pleasssssssse!” message, knowing good and well it was a practice in futility. Obviously, I didn’t give him enough credit because his reply was….”Call the shelter and see if you can bring him home this evening.”

And the rest is history…

The vet said his front right leg, which is shorter and turns out, probably is the result of someone grabbing and jerking him by it as a pup. The leg is not connected to his shoulder at all. Luckily, it doesn’t cause him pain, and he can’t put pressure on it…so no amputation! Just monitoring his diet to make sure he doesn’t get too heavy.

It wasn’t always an easy adjustment with Apollo, his anxiety still requires daily medication, but I never knew I could ever love another living creature as I do him! He is still not always fond of strangers (especially men) and will hunker down and whine if you reach your hand at him too fast, but he’s made huge strides in the past year!

He is the laziest pruppet and has his own spot on the loveseat where he will lay hours on end. He loves wrestling with his brother Titus and going for walks around the neighborhood.

Rescuing a shelter dog isn’t for everyone, it’s not easy, but I’m so glad that it was for us. Apollo may have never got to leave that shelter if not.



*Update: Kadin has been adopted!!*

Since Paige highlighted the shelter where she was able to save Apollo, I wanted to see if we could get at least one Crime Junkie pruppet a home from this shelter. That’s when I found Kadin. Kadin is at the Powell County Animal Shelter. He’s a true blue mutt but looks like he might have some shepherd in him. Kadin came in as an owner surrender, which always breaks my heart. He came from a family with a young, school-aged boy, and they were best friends. The family ultimately couldn’t take care of Kadin so he was surrendered with the hopes of a better life. He’s a young adult, and loves meeting new people and getting attention.