Ley and Kinsley had just moved in together, and fostered numerous dogs (usually that Kinsley had found wandering as strays) but had never been able to keep them. Finally, one day, they decided that as a way to help them both with their anxiety, they would adopt a pet. At that point in their lives, they needed something with a calm reassuring energy like Kinsley’s childhood Golden Retriever. They went to a pet store to look at guinea pigs… and came home with a puppy!
The pet store had just brought in a litter of rescue pups, and there was one left. Kinsley, of course, went to the last puppy left and picked her up. The puppy was still in the fluffy, downy baby fur stage, and she looked so at home in Kinsley’s arms. They looked so happy together, Ley knew she was instantly gone. They decided to name their new puppy Ikki, after a mischievous character in a cartoon they both liked.
Ikki was a very well-behaved pup. Didn’t have accidents, and only chewed on the chairs (and Ley’s fingers) when she was teething. But, one time, she DID try to swallow a whole dead bird.
The one thing Ikki lacked was that calm reassuring energy Ley and Kinsley had been hoping for. They were originally told that she was a Husky/Lab mix (LIKE THE ONE AND ONLY AUDIOCHUCK), but when she reached full size topping the scale at 30lbs, they thought, hmmmm maybe not. Ikki was super hyper, high strung, and really resembled a whippet cross. She would go WILD at the sight of guests, and literally ran circles around her bestie Makita (a patient malamute). Ikki had anxieties of her own too; she hates loud noises and even the energy of frustration can rattle her. She refused to be comforted by Ley or Kinsley if she felt they were agitated in anyway, so, they have learned to manage their anxiety, to help Ikki manage hers.
Ikki has calmed ever so slightly with age. She now has two modes: very excited and completely liquid cuddle puddle (love it!). She’s the best choice Ley and Kinsley ever made, and they’re so excited to come home to her every day. They both dote on her and spoil her rotten, and Ikki’s anxiety seems to have improved as well (along with both of her moms’) through liberal application of love.
Thanks for sharing Ikki’s story, Ley and Kinsley!