Episode Summary
Israel Keyes is the most terrifying name you’ve probably never heard of. Officials believe he hunted and killed people all across the U.S. and abroad from as early as 1997 until 2012.
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Episode Info
You can follow Keyes’ travel information and locations here.
Watch Israel Keyes Full 5-Part Interview
Episode Source Material
- Israel Keyes: Where did Alaska’s serial killer travel?
- FBI requests the Public’s Assistance in case of Serial Killer Israel Keyes
- Unsealed interviews detail two lives of Alaska serial killer Israel Keyes
- YOUTUBE – Israel Keyes FBI Interrogation
- Police release detailed account of Koenig murder
- Serial Killer Israel Keyes’ Suicide Letter is Creepy Ode to Murder
- U.S. Attorney Coffin: Currier Couple “Fought to the End” Against “a Force of Pure Evil”
- How a Vermont couple ended up in a serial killer’s gruesome chain of carnage
- The Mysterious Disappearance of Bill and Lorraine Currier
- A chilling look inside one of America’s most infamous serial killer cases