Episode Summary
In February 2005, Danielle Imbo and Richard Petrone had been broken up for a number of weeks. But on February 19th the two met up spontaneously for a couple of drinks and then were never seen again.
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Episode Info
If you know anything about what happened to Richard and Danielle please call the Citizen’s Crime Commission tip line at 215-546-TIPS.
To hear more on Danielle and Richard’s disappearance, join our Fan Club to hear a bonus audio extra for this case.
Episode Source Materials
- A Bridge Too Far – Disappeared: Investigation Discovery
- FBI Website – Danielle
- FBI Website – Richard
- FBI website – Press Release
- Charley Project – Danielle Imbo
- Vanished with Beth Holloway
- Without a Trace
- The disappearance of Imbo and Petrone: FBI says people know who did this
- State: Missing Couple Didn’t Go Voluntarily
- A desperate search for answers
- L.E. Sources: Pagan’s ‘redneck’ Treacy faced questions about two different double homicides in Philly upon arrest in ‘15
- Keyes Travel Log