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Pruppet of the Month: Zia

Zia in the mountains

This is a sweet pruppet story, and NOT sad, and also, highlights how awesome our listeners are.

When our listener Katie was in college, she lived with roommates who had cats and dogs and she loved it. When they graduated, she was all on her own. Knowing she wasn’t ready to take on a dog in her little college apartment she adopted a kitten named Izzy, who was just a tiny bean when she came to Katie! For the first month, she only ate liquid kitten milk and nursing her back to health became Katie’s mission in life, and she did it!

A few years later, Katie met a guy, now her husband, who was allergic to cats. I say was, because I’m pretty sure he still is, but he fell in love with Izzy. The three of them moved to New Mexico for a while, where they still weren’t quite ready for a dog. On their hikes through New Mexico, they always helped the skittish dogs they’d come across on the trails near the reservations, making sure they had food and water.

The trio made another move, this time to Colorado, and they were finally ready to settle down with a pruppet but only one good with cats for Izzy. They would go rescues with this long list of requests, not expecting to meet a sweet pup named Sue. She was about a year and a half old and had recently given birth to a litter back in… NEW MEXICO…. ON A RESERVATION. She was also blind in one eye. They knew she was their dog. After doing the math, they wondered if she was one of the dogs they helped on their many hikes in New Mexico!

They brought her home, named her Zia, and she and Izzy have been inseparable ever since. Get this, Katie has since rescued TWO MORE DOGS! One she found limping down the sidewalk alone. Katie was all set to foster the pruppet for a time until they were able to successfully reunite with its family. Then, Katie heard whimpering all day outside her house but couldn’t find the culprit until she finally went to the sewer drain near her home. Her husband opened up the nearby manhole, climbed down and rescued an elderly chihuahua who was hungry and sick. They also helped in giving that pup a home. Y’all these are real heroes!

I also hope it can serve as a good reminder that we need to stay vigilant, like with our own safety, to keep all the pruppets (and krittens) safe! If you see or hear an animal in need, go investigate, call your local animal control, and spread the word! A small act of kindness can save a life! Hold you babies tight; they count on us to protect them!

Humane Society - Pikes Peak Region

I would like to highlight the Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region where Zia was adopted from. Check out their adoptable friends and how you can help them out.