
January 2024

Fur Babies from The Good January 2024 Submission

Hello Ladies! Just finishing up listening to one of your Crime Junkie episodes. I was listening to the Good Segment and figured I would share my story with you as well. About a year ago I started binge listening to Crime Junkie and The Deck. I really started getting into mystery podcasts. I downloaded your file and got everything together that I would need for myself and my kids if we were to “go missing.” I had long talks with my oldest son about internet safety and about strangers and if something were to happen to any of us. Most of what I said goes in 1 ear and out the other like most 13yr olds. He gets a little tired of my safety and constantly listening to the podcasts since it’s not music. But I really feel like me listening to you guys is what really helped me stay focused, have a plan to follow and use a part of my voice I never actually thought I would have to use.

You see, a little over a month ago my son was kidnapped. I’ll never forget the feeling of having to call the police and tell them my child was missing. Thankfully, I didn’t get told I had to wait the 24 hours. When I filed the police report and got down to the police station I was informed my 13yr old son was traveling with a 24yr old female. My family and friends rallied behind me. We took to social media and spread the news like wildfire. The Crime Junkie community is amazing. By the time I thought of it and checked the pages they had already shared my son’s missing flyers. His phone was pinged almost 2hrs away. Because of listening to Crime Junkie so much, I knew what we needed to do. I used my voice, I hounded the police, I got the news and social media involved. And my voice paid off. On the 5th day my son was found and returned to me. The woman was arrested and is still in jail. But as I cook dinner and listen to you guys talk about this week’s episode, I can’t help but cry and smile. I look up and my boy is here. My son has a long road ahead of him, but if it wasn’t for the Crime Junkie community – the community of people who shared enough to get his face around – I don’t think he would be here. So thank you. Thank you for using your voice to get cases heard, to spread awareness, to help people be prepared. Thank you for being there for this mom when she needed it most. *I also attached photos of my fur babies, I hope they make you smile*