Episode Summary
In September of 1992, a young teenager named Misty Copsey went missing after visiting the local fair in Puyallup, Washington with her best friend. Almost 26 years have passed and all we have are a handful of suspicious suspects and a pair of jeans found at a site that could be linked to a serial killer. Plus, a rogue private citizen, whose efforts to try to solve the case have become an obsession, that might actually be distracting from the real investigation.
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Episode Info
Kim and Anna were both found off of Highway 410 near where Misty’s jeans where found. All three girls were killed and went missing with exactly 2 years and 1 month in between each instance.
Episode Sources
- The Stolen Child Series by Sean Robinson
- Cast of Characters
- Loose ends / FAQ
- How we got this story
- A roster of possible suspects in the Misty Copsey Case
- Long gone, still sought: The search for Misty Copsey
- Piecing together the portrait of a serial killer
- Police reopen cold case after 21 years
- Did Misty Copsey Run Away or Run into Foul Play? Police think Spanaway Teen, Missing Since ’92, May be Dead
- DNA could solve Misty Copsey’s 1992 disappearance, death
- Charlie Project – Misty Copsey
- Puyallup Population Data
- Washington State Fair Info
- Bringing Misty Copsey Home – Facebook
- My Family is Responsible for the Disappearance of Misty Copsey
- Misty Copsey Forum